The Bartlett
B-Pro Show 2021
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Project details

Research Cluster RC4

Facing the global climate emergency and housing crisis, STNE-O is a platform that uses AI Driven automated design and fabrication technologies to re-introduce stone construction for mass housing. Our design methods allows to compile a wide range of housing typologies directly from raw stone material, minimising the need for craft and customisation. A configurator software allows communities of future inhabitants to negotiate their preferred mode of living and space usage. An ML-trained virtual bot then interprets these programmatic schemes and organises raw materials from a crowd-sourced stone database into fully functional housing blocks. Using post-tensioning as a structural system, new types of stone buildings are enabled, which provide an open-ended, natural, and adaptive way of inhabiting our cities.


STNE-O Platform

STNE-O Platform

An overall introduction explains the revival of stone construction in architecture, raising the proposal of a STNE-O platform to address global climate emergency and housing crisis.

Raw Stones Collection

The quarrying scene shows raw stones, as sustainable materials, are locally available from nearby quarries with less transportation and operation.

STNE-O Platform Proposal

STNE-O Platform Proposal

STNE-O platform proposal was developed to make stone construction for housing more accessible, with a raw material database and stone compiling programs.

Platform Road Map

A diagram explaining STNE-O process, workflow, and the distributed manufacturing system logic.

Urban Living with Stones

The aero view of a wide range of stone housing typologies suiting into urban context shows, which provides an open-ended, natural, and adaptive way of inhabiting cities.




A brief overview includes the computation process of stone sourcing and spatial configuration, compiling housing typologies within minimum crafts and customisation.

Computation Strategies Workflow

Computation Strategies Workflow

A workflow involves two computation strategies: stone aggregation within truss lines and a ML-trained virtual bot organising raw materials from stone databases into fully functional housing blocks.

Stone Library

Stone Library

The process of storing stones in categories presents that a digital database was prepared for algorithm sourcing, and physical stones can be found within its code.

ML Strategy of Stone Aggregation

The diagram explains the setup of the agent to realise the action of selecting and placing stones into voxels. Rewards or penalties will be received from stone position and orientation to adjust the movement of the agent.

Training Result of ML Agent

Training Result of ML Agent

The training result was recorded in animation, in which agents could learn the way of filling the voxels in highest density by checking the occupied ratio.


Fabrication Technology with Post-Tensioning

The exploded diagram presents the new fabrication technology enabled by post-tensioning and automated manufacturing.

Prefabricated Slab Connections with Stone

Prefabricated Slab Connections with Stone

The stone and the reclaimed prefabricated floor slab are connected by a set of customised components, which are scanned to get the shape of the mould and then poured into the concrete.

Typology from Patterns

The diagram shows the town house type for two family sharing in different combinations of patterns. Within the basic patterns, housing typologies are configured to form living spaces.

Algorithm Sourcing

The digital database is prepared for algorithm sourcing, different parts of stone in the library can be identified within the generative algorithm.

3D Print Prototype Process

3D Print Prototype Process

The record of the design prototype process uses 3D printing as a way to prototype stone construction.


Living in STNE-O

Living in STNE-O

STNE-O benefits the economic greatly by lowering the living cost, improving mental health of the inhabitants encouraging social interaction and green living.

Dining Area

An interior view of the shared dinning space in STNE-O building.

Living System

An example of one floor family space showing a shared kitchen and dining area generated around the main building circulation and separated with private living area.

Common Space

Common Space

An interior view of the common, shared space in the STNE-O building.

Evening View of STNE-O Building

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
B-Pro Show 2021
30 October – November 13