The Bartlett
B-Pro Show 2021
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Project sections
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Physarum Poly-xylem City

Project details

Research Cluster RC16

The project investigates a new relationship between green space and the built environment in London. In order to do so, it deploys biological and artificial intelligence in algorithmic form.

A landscape network system holding the built environment was regenerated to bridge the gap between human and non-human, seeing both as the same entity. Slime Mould is a non-human creature with biological intelligence that can optimise its shape to a network system by searching for food in a geometric space, and plays an important role in the design of inclusive networks. By this property of slime mould, potential nodes determined by population density and green space rate data were seen as food resources, the landscape network was regenerated by bio-computational simulation, then being converted to a new urban morphology by machine learning algorithm.

Urban design generated by biological and artificial intelligence could feed the basic data back into the ecosystem, replacing human-centered urban design methods, thereby blurring the boundary between built environment and landscape. Architecture is generated by nature instead of humans, thus enhancing the sustainable development capacity of the urban ecosystem.


Landscape Regeneration

Regenerated landscape network providing habitat to human and non-human.

Landscape and Built Environment Integration

Terrace landscape and fibre structure was integrated.

Interior Activity

Fibre structure as built environment holding human and non-human activities.

3D Printed Urban Fibre Structure

3D Printed Urban Fibre Structure


Algorithm Defined by Network Length

Algorithm Defined by Network Length

Regenerated map of typology A was converted into a continuous system using algorithm.

New Morphology Of Typology A

New Morphology Of Typology A

Continuous system was generated by machine learning.

Practical Applications of Fibre Structure

Fibre Structure as container holding materials and having functional spaces.

Dynamic Functional Space

Dynamic functions can be realised by robotic 3D printing in different parameters depending on the amount of available material for construction.

Moss Growth Experiment

Moss status in different substrate and using 3D printed structure as container to grow moss.


Bio-computational Simulation

Bio-computational Simulation

Slime mould searching for landscape network.

Landscape Regeneration Process

Landscape Regeneration Process

Machine learning converting slime mould network to city scenario.

Regenerated Landscape Network

Checkpoints of Machine Learning

Landscape Network in 1x1 km Scale

Regeneration map of different typologies with different population density and green space rate.


Two Main Migration Factors

Two Main Migration Factors

Population density and green space rate was proved to be main factors for human migration by overlaying method.

Population Density

Green Space Density

Typology Identification

Classification of population density and green space density to have 8 different typologies with different index.

Potential Areas for Migration

Typology D and G as starting and end points for bio-simulation.

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Index of Works

The Bartlett
B-Pro Show 2021
30 October – November 13